Gabrielle Williams attended a homeschool program for her high school education. She graduated with many leadership positions and honors under her belt which aided her in becoming the 2022 recipient of the Workforce NOW Scholarship. Following graduation, she transitioned to the University of Connecticut, double majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology and Psychology as well as minoring in English. Her interest in leadership has continued into college where she’s held various positions through the Residential Hall Association as well as other clubs. During her time at college, she has been accepted into the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society for her academic excellence and participated in small amounts of research, an area she hopes to lean into more in the future. Her future goals include attending medical school to later become a pediatrician with a specialty in pediatric oncology or cardiology. She extends a heartfelt thanks to the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce and Workforce NOW board for their continued support and recognition of the impact of the Workforce NOW scholarship.
