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Bianka Rosales
Fun Facts
Three Words to Describe Me: Loyal, dedicated, and grateful.
Passions: Family, nature, traveling, fashion and learning.
Life Motto: “You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” –Isabel Allende.
Top of Bucket List: Get out to enjoy nature, spend time with my kids, enjoy today and not worry about tomorrow.
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: I would love to trade places with the ones that surround me so I can understand their views and their perspective.
Greatest Achievement: Becoming a mother and being an independent human being.
Jessica Hewlett
Fun Facts
Three Words: Determined, Honest, Dedicated
Passions: Family, Baking, Animals, Music
Life Motto: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Maya Angelou
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: Ellen DeGeneres
Greatest Achievement: Purchasing my first home.
Ask Me About: My motley crew of animals
Trey Henderson
Part time Trivia Host and DJ, Trivia Trey, host with most, baldest and the baddest
Has never been pulled over
Bikes to work.
Lived in France as a traveling farmer. Travels to Europe twice a year if Susan gives him time off
Die hard Chelsea FC fan.
Gretchen Rusden
Three Words to Describe Me: Silly, Loyal, Loving
Passions: Family, Friends and Gnomes
Ask Me About: Arizona
Life Motto: Life’s a Garden, Dig It.
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: Someone with a lot of disposable income.
Greatest Achievement: Building a family.
April Milupi
Three Words to Describe Me: Maternal, open minded, creative
Passions: Family, social media, fashion, creating
Life Motto: Make a life, make a living, make a difference (Oglethorpe University motto, alma mater)
Top of Bucket List: Visiting Victoria Falls in Zambia is just one of many!
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: My son, he is living his best life in his own unique bubble.
Greatest Achievement: Becoming a mother, nothing has topped that so far.
Ask Me About: My knowledge of odd facts on unique subjects.
Susan Spears
Three Words to Describe Me: Loyal, Enthusiastic, Determined
Passions: Music, Sports, Labradors, Arts, Fashion
Life Motto: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Top of Bucket List: It involves the OBX and 5,000 square feet
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: Bono
Ask Me About: The time I met Mick Jagger.
Wendy Zelazny
Three Words to Describe Me: Adventurous, Optimistic, Focused
Passions: Travel, Food, Cooking, Tennis, Gym
Life Motto: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Alva Edison
Top of Bucket List: Traveling throughout Europe, living like a native, learning languages, taking cooking classes, & eating great food!
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: Julia Child
Greatest Achievement: My children.
Ask Me About: What I’ve cooked recently or favorite place I’ve traveled to.
Carley Walker
Three Words to Describe Me: Enthusiastic, Outgoing & Open
Passions: Family, Community Engagement and Women’s Empowerment
Life Motto: “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
Top of Bucket List: I call it a living list. And way too many ideas, opportunities and adventures to list!
If I Could Trade Places with Anyone for a Day: My daughter!
Greatest Achievement: Staying positive most days of my life!
Ask Me About: I love talking, learning and exploring topics I know nothing about with people who do.